I truly feel as though I was able to transcend boundaries as I tried to assimilate myself to another culture as well as I could without actually going to Nepal or Bhutan.  I was lucky enough to become friends with Bhutanese Refugees, hear and ask them questions about life in the refugee camps, and do research on my own in order to become extremely knowledgeable about Bhutanese Refugees, where they came from, and their current situation.  I feel like I addressed the topic of Diversity by blending both American and Bhutanese perspectives throughout my entire project.  I feel like this is particularly evident in my English portion of my project when I actually relate "Invictus" to the life of a Bhutanese Refugee by talking through the poem with Ashish.  Finally, I feel like I addressed connectedness by becoming involved in another persons life as well as connecting myself to another culture.  I was able to connect with Ashish very easily and I feel like we were able to communicate clearly and effectively with each other regardless of our first languages.  I also feel connected to the Bhutanese culture in a way that I wasn't before this project; I am now completely familiar with the topic of Bhutanese Refugees and look forward to meeting up with my new Bhutanese friends in the near future.
Through completing this project I feel like I have shown why I feel I am now a global citizen, I hope you feel the same way too! Enjoy the website...

On my honor I pledge that I have neither given nor received unauthorized help on this assignment, nor have I presented someone else's work as my own.

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    Student at Sewickley Academy, for this project I am focusing on a science, cultural, and literary side of things.